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Lived experience measures: measuring what is important to tāngata whai ora and whānau: Rapid review, May 2024

This rapid review summarises information on outcome and experience measures from the perspective of people and whānau accessing services.

  • In this report, a measure or tool refers to a set of questions to find out about a person’s experience or status, such as how they are feeling at a certain point in time.
  • While many measures are used in practice by clinicians, this report focuses on measures that can be filled out by people accessing their services and/or their whānau.
  • Often called ‘Person-reported’ measures, these capture people and whānau perceptions of their own outcomes and experiences related to support received. These are vital to communicate what matters to people and whānau, which often differs from what workers or clinicians think is important.
  • This report provides background information on measures to inform consultation with the sector. Consultation will explore recent sector developments around outcome and experience measure use, and the practicality of implementing measures in services including barriers. The overall aim is to inform meaningful outcome measurement relevant to the consumer, peer support, and lived experience (CPSLE) workforce in Aotearoa New Zealand’s mental health and addiction services.

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