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SA(CAT) Act 2017 e-learnings

SA(CAT) Act 2017 e-learning modules

The Substance Addiction (Compulsory Assessment and Treatment) Act 2017 e-learning introduces the process and roles involved in the SA(CAT). A series of e-learning training modules are available for the addiction workforce to develop the knowledge and skills to work effectively within the parameters of the Act.

The e-learning modules are hosted on Pūkoro at You can search for SA(ACT) or find them in the Te Pou section. On your first visit to the Pūkoro site, you will need to create an account using your email and a unique password.

Module 1: Introduction to the Substance Addiction (Compulsory Assessment and Treatment) Act

This module assists the wider addiction workforce and those looking to apply for an order under the SA(CAT) Act (the Act) how the process works and who is involved.

In this module, you will learn:

  • the purpose of the Act
  • the main processes of the Act
  • professional roles required by the Act
  • terminology used within the Act
  • pathways to care provided by the Act.

Module 2: Authorised officer

This e-learning module introduces the addiction workforce to the role expectations and statutory responsibilities of Authorised Officers under SA(CAT). Case scenarios will show you some of the different applications that Authorised Officers may be tasked with when responding to a request for a SA(CAT) Act order.

In this module, you will learn:

  • the overarching role of Authorised Officers
  • the expectations of Authorised Officers
  • the responsibilities of Authorised Officers
  • actions associated with the role.

Module 3: Capacity assessment

This e-learning module includes a video demonstration of how to conduct a capacity assessment for the SA(CAT) Act. This module is for people in the Approved Specialist role who carry out compulsory assessments.

By completing this module, you will learn:

  • how to assess someone who may or may not have a cognitive impairment
  • the process of a capacity assessment
  • how to assess the person’s level of cognitive functioning
  • the rationale behind various outcomes following a capacity assessment.

Module 4: Using the CAT-CAT and other screening tools

The Compulsory Assessment and Treatment Capacity Assessment Tool (CAT-CAT) has been developed to support Authorised Officers, Approved Specialists and Responsible Clinicians appointed under the Substance Addiction (Compulsory Assessment and Treatment) Act 2017 to screen and assess people with severe substance use disorders for 'capacity' to make decisions about engaging in addiction treatment.

This e-learning module will:

  • introduce practitioners to the CAT-CAT
  • provide step-by-step guidance for carrying out the CAT-CAT
  • inform scoring and interpretation of the CAT-CAT results
  • provide a brief summary of other screening tools.

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