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Find a MHFA instructor

Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) Aotearoa courses are delivered by accredited instructors across the country.

Accredited instructors are not employees of Te Pou or Mental Health First Aid Aotearoa. MHFA Aotearoa instructors either work within an organisation or are self-employed and deliver MHFA courses as independent contractors within schools, workplaces or communities.

Mental Health First Aid instructors are accredited by Te Pou, the national license holder for MHFA Aotearoa, to deliver MHFA courses in the specific programmes they are accredited in. All instructors are required to adhere to the Mental Health First Aid Aotearoa course curriculum, guidelines, and standards at all times.

Please contact individual instructors directly for information about specific courses, dates, enrolment requirements and costs.

MHFA instructors are free to determine their own fee for participants to attend their workshops. Te Pou is unable to dictate programme fees.

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