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Worker Wellbeing

Worker wellbeing is a component of the Let’s get real Real Skill: Maintaining professional and personal development.

This Worker wellbeing page provides resources that align with the essential level of this Real Skill. Links to resources are included with a range of short videos where health sector workers and leaders talk about worker wellbeing.

What is Worker wellbeing?

“Wellbeing means we have the tools, support and environments we need to be who we are and to build and sustain lives worth living” - Mental Health Foundation.

Wellbeing encompasses several factors of working life, including the physical work environment, the climate and structure of the organisation, how workers feel about their work, and how safe, healthy, satisfied and engaged they are at work.

Māori and other cultural models of health provide further perspectives on wellbeing that apply to health workers. Other practice approaches such as sensory modulation can be applied to support worker wellbeing. This might include accessing a range of cultural resources.

How can I use these resources?

We all have a responsibility to practice in ways that promote wellbeing.  It is important that workers are aware of the resources and supports available to them from a range of sources.

This Worker wellbeing page provides several practical resources to assist you as a health worker to maintain your wellbeing and respond effectively to people accessing health care. The resources are aligned with these three performance indicators of Worker wellbeing at the essential level of Let's get real.

  • Looking after your own wellbeing.
  • Contributing to a safe and healthy workplace.
  • Asking for support when needed.

These materials are in a variety of different formats. For example, YouTube videos, documents, and editable pdfs, such as Te Whare Tapa Whā.

Looking after your own wellbeing

Contributing to a safe and healthy workplace

Asking for support when needed

Maintaining your own wellbeing: videos

We talked to health workers from around the motu about how they maintain their own wellbeing. Click on the images or the link below to watch all the videos on our YouTube channel, and take some time to reflect on their observations.

Contributing to a healthy workplace: videos

We can all help make our workplaces safer and healthier places to be. Hear from your health worker colleagues about how they go out this for themselves. Click on the images or the link below to watch all the videos on our YouTube channel.

Asking for support when it's needed: videos

Watch and listen to health workers from around Aotearoa New Zealand talk about the importance of asking for support when needed. Click on the images or the link below to watch all the videos on our YouTube channel, and reflect on what they have to say.

If you need further help

  • The Employee Assistance Programmes (EAP) are employee benefit programmes offered by many employers. You can often access this directly. If it is not advertised at your workplace various providers can be reached online.
  • Access your local primary care practice.
  • 1737 is a helpline available 24 hours a day for confidential help. Text or call 1737.
  • Just a Thought offers evidence-based Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) online here and is designed for people with mild-to-moderate symptoms of anxiety and depression.

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