Resources for trauma informed approaches
The need to provide both support and services that are trauma informed is not new and many services are actively working towards this. There is a lot of information about trauma informed care but one of the challenges is that the terms trauma informed approach and trauma informed care are used interchangeably in the literature and used in multiple ways. New Zealand based research and work is starting to emerge, however, the majority of resources available have been developed in the US, Canada, UK, or Australia. We must be mindful that the use, or adaption, of any overseas designed trauma informed care resources requires careful consideration to ensure we are culturally respectful of, and responsive to, Māori people.
Below is a list of some of the organisations providing information and resources about trauma informed care. Resources are listed alphabetically by organisation name, with the New Zealand and overseas resources listed separately.
Additional information and resource recommendations for specific purposes are also available to download at the bottom of this page, namely:
- Resources for leaders and managers to support in developing and sustaining trauma informed care services.
- Resources for supporting the wellbeing of the workforce.
- General information on trauma informed care and training resources.
Let's get real resources
Trauma informed approaches are a key component of the Let's get real Real Skill Working with people experiencing mental health and addiction needs.
New Zealand resources
General workplace wellbeing tools. The tools are actions designed to change workplace environment and culture.
Wellbeing of the workforce
A brief literature review ‘The Wellbeing of the addiction workforce’ published in 2017.
New Zealand Nurses Organisation
The NZNO represents over 46,000 nurses and health workers and has a section on workplace bullying on their website.
Te Atawhai o Te Ao
As part of a major research programme called ‘He Kokonga Whare: Māori Intergenerational Trauma and Healing’ a video is available on their website ‘Te Hikoi - The Journey.’
Te Pou
A range of open access resources that relate to trauma informed care such as Let’s get real and resources to support reducing seclusion and restraint. Also, a trauma informed care literature scan presents evidence around what trauma is; its prevalence and impact; and evidence on implementation within organisations.
Wellbeing for Health
A central place for tools and resources related to workplace wellbeing for you to share and draw on for your own wellbeing work.
A suite of trauma informed care e-learning modules developed for the child and tamariki workforce (e.g. social workers, police officers, school-based workers such as counsellors, teachers, teacher-aides, RTLBs; people working in children’s teams, people working in public health roles, people working in community support roles and mental health workers).
WorkSafe New Zealand
A range of information and guidance about health and safety in the workplace to support organisations to have effective systems for protecting the physical and mental health of workers from work-related factors and activities to promote general health and wellbeing.
International resources
Blue Knot Foundation - Australia
The 2012 Practice Guidelines provide a framework for workforce training and development recommended to optimise the implementation of trauma-informed principles and practice into services and systems.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Kaiser ACE Study
CDC hosts the CDC-Kaiser ACE study information including the original ACE study questionnaires and findings, and a checklist used to measure ACE scores.
Centre for Health Care Strategies (CHCS) - US
An informative paper on ‘Key Ingredients for Successful Trauma-Informed Care Implementation’.
Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) - US
A range of resources, including a general resource for wellbeing in the health care workplace. Some of the resources are free to download, other resources are for IHI subscribed members only.
Institute of Family Studies, Australian Government - Australia
This paper defines and clarifies what trauma informed service delivery means in the context of child and family welfare services in Australia and provides evidence that a trauma-informed approach is needed. The paper is free to download from the website.
Manitoba Trauma Information and Education Centre - Canada
Promotes and identifies standards and guidelines for the delivery of trauma informed care by enhancing the capacity of organisations and systems. Resources are free to download from the website.
National Center for Trauma Informed Care (NCTIC) - US
Several tools for the training and implementation of improved trauma informed environments. Free to download and use:
National Council for Behavioral Health - US
Several video presentations and tools targeted to the mental health sector and trauma-informed care planning and training, including an organisational self-assessment. Some resources are freely available on their website, but most need to be purchased.
NHS ‘Education for Scotland’ - Scotland
A 2017 resource for workers to understand the knowledge and skills required to successfully deliver quality, evidence-based trauma informed or trauma specific services. The resource is open access and free to download.
School of Social Work, University at Buffalo - US
A useful and comprehensive set of self-care resources applicable to general worker wellbeing. The resources are freely available on the website.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) - US
A range of free to download resources which include about thirty resources related to trauma informed care, including the TIP 57 Treatment improvement protocol and the TIP 57 Literature review.
Trauma Informed Oregon - US
Trauma Informed Oregon serves as a centralised source of information and resources for specific sectors, not just mental health. Resources include a roadmap for implementation; checklists for organisational readiness and service standards for workforce development; core training components; standards of practice guidelines; and foundational information about workplace wellness. Resources are free to download.