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Tool for educators: Apply real skills

Align the Let's get real seven Real Skills to your health education or training programme

The foundations of Let’s get real

How you use Let's get real and integrate it into your health education or training will depend on the purpose and structure of your programme. It can be applied in a broad way to underpin learning throughout an education or training programme or focus on the individual components of Let's get real that are relevant to the learning needs.

Visit the Connect and share page to read real sector examples of applying the Real Skills.

If you are leading an education programme or training a subject with a wide scope, like a certificate in health and wellbeing or new entry to specialist practice (NESP), it can be useful to consider that Let's get real provides the values, attitudes and skills needed to work effectively with people and whānau with mental health and addiction needs. While more role and context specific skills will be required, Let's get real is the foundation on which we build skills.

Taking the time to determine the health practice needs of your learners will ensure your education or training programme delivers the right learning outcomes.

"For new people coming into the sector it [Let's get real] is a good beginning. It gives them a good overall idea and a feel for what it is to be working in the area."

— Tertiary education lecturer (undergraduate programme)

Step one: Determine the right skill level

Before using Real Skills in health education or training, it is important health educators or trainers determine the skill level of the people the learning programme is being designed for.

Learning outcomes should be mapped to what learners will be doing in the health sector, and the skill level should be guided by your learning cohort. For example, if learners are working in any role in the health sector, they will need the Essential Level, versus people directly delivering mental health and addiction services who need to demonstrate skills at the Essential, Enhanced and Leadership level.

The following matrix can be a useful tool for determining the right skill level for your learning context.

Step two: Select the Real Skills

Once you have determined the right skill level for your learners, the next step is to select which of the Let's get real seven Real Skills you will integrate into your health education or training programme.

Depending on the scope, purpose or topic of your education or training programme and the relevant learning outcomes required, you may choose to include all seven of the Real Skills or focus in on only the Real Skills which align to the learning programme.

The following are the Let's get real seven Real Skills and their expected outcomes. Clicking on the Real Skill will take you to further information to support the integration of the Real Skill in your health education or training programme.

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Use Let’s get real education and training resources to enhance health workforce learning outcomes.

Get in touch – our team is here to help you integrate Let’s get real into your health workforce education and training

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