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Let’s get real

Introducing Let's get real

Let's get real is a framework that describes the values, attitudes, knowledge and skills required for working effectively with people and whānau experiencing mental health and addiction needs.

The framework

Let’s get real was developed by the Ministry of Health in 2008 and refreshed by Te Pou following sector consultation in 2018. All health care services, regardless of context, organisation, roles, or professions can use Let’s get real.

Applying the values and attitudes that underpin Let’s get real and the seven Real Skills contributes to positive experiences and outcomes for people and whānau experiencing mental health and addiction needs.

What it does

The intent of Let's get real is:

  • to have shared values and attitudes when working with people and whānau with mental health and addiction needs
  • to develop the knowledge and skills of the workforce described in the seven Real Skills.

Let’s get real is most likely to be effective when you take an organisation wide approach and embed it across your organisational systems and processes.

The Let’s get real values and attitudes underpin the seven Real Skills

Key contact

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