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HoNOS training

HoNOS family of measures train-the-trainer workshops

Te Pou offers training for people to become Health of the Nation Outcome Scale (HoNOS) family of measures outcome trainers within their organisation using a train-the-trainer model. You can learn more about this approach in the outcomes training model and guide.

The HoNOS family of measures consists of six measures:

  • HoNOS: for adults aged 18 to 64 years.
  • HoNOSCA: for children and adolescents aged 4 to 17 years.
  • HoNOS65+: amended version of the HoNOS for adults aged 65 and over.
  • HoNOS-LD: for adults who have a dual diagnosis, such as mental illness and an intellectual disability
  • HoNOS-secure: for adults who are being supported by forensic services.
  • HoNOSI: for infants aged 0 to 47 months (for mandatory collection from 1 July 2024).

Becoming a HoNOS family of measures trainer

To become a trainer in any of these six measures you must attend a 1-day in-person training workshop which covers the background to outcome measurement, the information collection protocol, rating the measure, and using the measure in practice.

People can become trainers in more than one measure but you will need to attend the specific training for that measure.

Available training workshops are listed at the bottom of this page. Training is free to attend but registration is essential.

Te Pou can also provide specific training for services on request if they have no trainers or limited training options. Contact Mark Smith for details.

HoNOS family refresher training

Te Pou recommends that trainers complete HoNOS family refresher training every two years. The HoNOS refresher training is available as an e-learning module.

HoNOS family of measures e-learning modules

Several e-learning modules are available covering aspects of the HoNOS family of measures and providing opportunities to practise rating cases.

All the e-learning modules are hosted on Moodle at If you don’t have an existing account, you will need to create one to access this e-learning.

HoNOS videos


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