Mārama Real-Time Feedback Sector Consultation Summary
This sector consultation aims to build a better understanding of service experience feedback from tāngata whai ora and w...
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The Consumer, Peer Support and Lived Experience (CPSLE) workforce have been calling for the establishment of a National Professional Body. Te Pou has released a discussion paper which outlines some of the potential options for how a national professional body could take shape.
We invite anyone working in a Consumer, Peer Support, Lived Experience (CPSLE) role to join us for a presentation on the options canvassed in the paper and to have the opportunity to feedback on it.
For other opportunities to give feedback contact Gina Giordani gina.giordani@tepou.co.nz.
This sector consultation aims to build a better understanding of service experience feedback from tāngata whai ora and w...
The HoNOSCA user guide will assist clinicians, managers, data analysts, service user leaders and family facilitators to ...
The HoNOS65+ user guide will assist clinicians, managers, data analysts, service user leaders and family facilitators to...
The HoNOS user guide to assist clinicians, managers, data analysts, service user leaders and family facilitators to unde...
This report summarises findings from the first year of the Working with Older People project. It describes workforce dev...
Te Whare o Tiki describes the knowledge and skills required by the mental health and addiction workforce to be able to e...
The team type classifications explain what codes go into the team types used in the HoNOS family national reports. They ...
This resource equips frontline health professionals to recognise and respond appropriately and compassionately to people...
This literature review identifies current best practice approaches in collecting consumer experience feedback nationally...
Two national report cards have been created to show the feedback gathered through Mārama Real-Time Feedback over the pas...
Two national report cards have been created to show the feedback gathered through Mārama Real-Time Feedback over the pas...
Two national report cards have been created to show the feedback gathered through Mārama Real-Time Feedback over the pas...
This infographic provides key findings from the first year of the Working with Older People project. It shows the 10 pri...
This report looks at the acceptability of cognitive stimulation therapy (CST) in the New Zealand context.
Influencing the broader sector and workforce to improve the quality of the data collected in Programme for the Integrati...
A framework to support organisations and individuals to provide services that meet the expectations of autistic people a...
The report summary gives an overview of the learning and development activities in place across New Zealand for the work...
The report describes the learning and development activities in place across New Zealand for the workforce supporting ch...
Te Reo Hāpai is a Māori language glossary providing over 200 interpretations for the unique terminology used by the ment...
This guide defines the Alcohol and Other Drug Outcome Measure (ADOM) Information Collection Protocol to support the deve...
This is the ninth ADOM report, covering the period July 2019 to June 2020.
This infographic provides an overview of some of the main findings of the ninth ADOM report for the period July 2019 to ...
A report on the testing and validation of ADOM section 3 recovery questions.
This case study looks at The Salvation Army's implementation of peer support staff using ADOM in their work.
The ADOM feedback wheel is a useful collaborative tool to visually represent a tangata whai ora journey from one point t...
This report describes the results comparing psychometric testing of the revised questions of Part B, Alcohol and Drug Ou...
A document to assist services and system vendors in accessing the various Ministry of Health and Te Pou resources requir...
This report presents findings of a research project - ADOPT Part II - tasked with developing an outcome measurement tool...
The ADOM graph builder is an Excel-based, user friendly tool to generate a populated ADOM feedback wheel.
This first ADOM report describes tāngata whai ora substance use, lifestyle and wellbeing, and recovery at a national lev...
This is the second ADOM report, covering the period October 2015 to September 2016.
This is the third ADOM report, covering the period July 2016 to June 2017.
This is the fourth ADOM report, covering the period January to December 2017.
This is the fifth ADOM report, covering the period July 2017 to June 2018.
This is the sixth ADOM report, covering the period July 2015 to March 2019.
Te Pou have coordinated an advisory group to help formulate reports based on aggregated, anonymous data from ADOM. This ...
Te Pou o te Whakaaro Nui have coordinated an advisory group to help formulate reports based on aggregated, anonymous dat...
The collection form for ADOM where change can be measured over a period of time.
An A4 sized poster to use in communal areas to give tāngata whai ora more information about the Alcohol and Drug Outcome...
Te Pou is proposing five additions and/or amendments to PRIMHD to resolve issues relating to the ADOM code set, specific...
This infographic provides an overview of some of the main findings of the eighth ADOM report.
This is the seventh ADOM report, covering the period July 2018 to June 2019.
This is the eighth ADOM report, covering the period January 2017 to December 2019.
This report uses data from the collection of ADOM (the alcohol and drug outcome measure) from 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2...
He Tētē Kura reviewed the growth of the Māori addiction treatment sector over a 28-year period and examined the lessons ...
A guide for family and whānau on how to use the Substance Addiction (Compulsory Assessment and Treatment) Act 2017 to ob...
A Te Reo Māori guide for family and whānau on how to use the Substance Addiction (Compulsory Assessment and Treatment) A...
Read this dissertation that evaluates the efficacy of the Six Core Sstrategies intervention to reduce seclusion and rest...
This video presents data collected from a New Zealand inpatient mental health unit before and after the Six Core Strateg...
A summary of the impact of environmental factors on a range of outcomes for service users and staff in mental health and...
This literature review examines the impact of environmental factors on a range of outcomes for service users and staff i...
Evidence update for reducing seclusion in mental health and addiction in New Zealand
Te Pou reviewed and evaluated de-escalation and restraint training in the UK, US, Australia and New Zealand in the acute...
The relationship between mental health staff safety and the use of seclusion reduction initiatives
Impact of sensory modulation in mental health acute wards on reducing the use of seclusion
Implementation of Sensory Modulation within DHB Mental Health Services - 2017 Stocktake
Least restrictive practice evidence update for New Zealand September 2019
Introductory factsheet on sensory modulation in mental health and addiction
Te Pou's co-production approach to reducing seclusion and restraint in mental health and addiction
A factsheet overviewing the use and possible costs of of sensory modulation for planners and funders.
Sensory modulation implementation and practice issues: learnings from research
Sensory modulation in acute mental health wards: A qualitative study of staff and service user perspectives
Sensory Modulation in Inpatient Mental Health - A Summary of the Evidence
Sensory Modulation in Mental Health Clinical Settings - A Review of the Literature
The Six Core Strategies© service review tool provides guidance for mental health services in implementing least restrict...
Section 1 of the Six Core Strategies© service review tool, which provides guidance for mental health services in impleme...
Section 2 of the Six Core Strategies© service review tool, which provides guidance for mental health services in impleme...
Section 3 of the Six Core Strategies© service review tool, which provides guidance for mental health services in impleme...
Section 4 of the Six Core Strategies© service review tool, which provides guidance for mental health services in impleme...
Section 5 of the Six Core Strategies© service review tool, which provides guidance for mental health services in impleme...
Section 6 of the Six Core Strategies© service review tool, which provides guidance for mental health services in impleme...
Planning guide for the Six Core Strategies© service review tool, which provides guidance for mental health services in i...
Staff experiences implementing seclusion and restraint reduction strategies in an acute mental health unit
Dissertation on staff experiences of implementing seclusion and restraint reduction strategies in an acute mental health...
Strategies to reduce the use of seclusion and restraint with Māori
Supporting seclusion reduction for Māori: the findings of a small study completed by Māori Caucus, Te Ao Māramatanga
A small number of district health boards have been considering using other health workers to deliver sensory modulation ...
There are ethnic differences in the use of seclusion in New Zealand mental health inpatient services, with Māori more li...
A restraint prevention framework and the principles and objectives that will help services to plan for reducing and prev...
This evidence-informed report investigates factors influencing the variation in seclusion rates between DHB mental healt...
This evidence update focuses on the implementation of sensory modulation in mental health and addiction services, its im...
This evidence update focuses on the NZ Human Rights Commission’s independent review of seclusion and restraint practices...
This evidence update focuses on the evidence for weighted blankets and recommendations for their use based on internatio...
This report summarises key feedback from mental health services, gathered to help inform the update of the Six Core Stra...
The terms of reference for the Sensory Modulation National Practice Group is outlined by Te Pou to set out the establish...
This checklist helps to ensure national consistency in the SPEC train-the-trainer model. It is intended to be used by SP...
The Sensory Modulation Competency Questionnaire helps staff to identify their knowledge in the use of sensory modulation...
This checklist provides a guideline of the steps and processes for implementing a sensory modulation approach following ...
The purpose of this evaluation report is to identify whether participants’ values, attitudes, knowledge and skills in th...
This resource is for people who work in mental health, addiction and disability who want some general guidance on how to...
This literature review explores the international and national literature themes related to least restrictive practice. ...
This paper summarises the work undertaken to address ethnic differences in rates of seclusion in NZ, especially for Māor...
Te Pou is pleased to launch the full report of their 2020 Equally Well evidence update on the physical health of people ...
Te Pou has produced this summary of their 2020 Equally Well evidence update on the physical health of people with mental...
This guide aims to support trainers in their delivery of training in the HoNOS family of measures to people in their loc...
The HoNOS guide has been developed as a resource for clinicians and managers in mental health services, site coordinator...
The HoNOSI guide has been developed as a resource for clinicians and managers in mental health services, site coordinato...
The HoNOS65+ guide has been developed as a resource for clinicians and managers in mental health services, site coordina...
The HoNOSCA guide has been developed as a resource for clinicians and managers in mental health services, site coordinat...
The HoNOS-LD guide has been developed as a resource for clinicians and managers in mental health services, site coordina...
The HoNOS-secure guide has been developed as a resource for clinicians and managers in mental health services, site coor...
The protocol outlines the outcome information required to be collected (including the first outcome tool, the HoNOS suit...
A practice guide on how the HoNOS family of measures can be used to enhance outcomes for tāngata whai ora and their whān...
This infographic for the HoNOS national report April 2019 to March 2020 highlights the key findings from each section of...
This infographic for the HoNOS national report April 2020 to March 2021 highlights the key findings from each section of...
This report card highlights the average number of clinically significant items in the HoNOS family of measures for the p...
This report card highlights the average number of clinically significant items in the HoNOS family of measures for the p...
In April 2020 we sought feedback on a three-page discussion paper: Integrated mental health and addiction care in the pr...
The Let’s get talking Assessment tool provides clinicians and services with guidance on how to assess and match...
A Word template to use when matching people's needs to talking therapies.
A template to use for assessing mental health needs in talking therapies
A template to use for reviewing talking therapies for people with mental health and addiction needs
These guidelines were developed for use by those working with people who are adversely affected by methamphetamine use. ...
Written by people with experience of opioid substitution treatment (OST), it describes the aims of treatment, the proces...
This workbook supports the addiction and mental health workforce in their responsiveness to people with substance use an...
This workbook supports the addiction and mental health workforce in their responsiveness to people with substance use an...
A collection of personal stories from real people and their different journeys to recovery from addiction to alcohol or ...
A professional nursing framework covering legislation, policy, service provision, workforce development and nursing prac...
An informative brochure for the family, whānau and support people of people receiving opioid substitution treatment (OST...
This guide provide suggestions, strategies and ideas about how people can look after themselves while dealing with the i...
A guide for parents or carers talking with their children about challenging times including mental health and addiction ...
This report outlines the development of New Zealand ‘P’ Pull, a grassroots community approach to reducing the impact of ...
Accessible and appropriate information for the specialist addiction sector, the general addiction and allied workforces ...
A guide for recognising and responding to substance use and withdrawal in the community
An overview of the history and best practice literature for the inclusion of consumers in the education and training of ...
This document creates discussion around the roles and activities of the consumer and peer workforce and the skills, know...
HoNOS national report: Apr 2019 to Mar 2020
Competencies have been created to help shape the development of the peer and service user workforce in mental health and...
This guide has been written for mental health and addiction services that employ people in identified lived experience r...
This guide has been written for planners and funders of mental health and addiction services.
A 2010 survey of the service user, consumer and peer support workforce. The results of the survey will inform the future...
The report from the National Peer Workforce Development Forum 2017, outlining participants’ concepts of what a valued, v...
This strategy will support mental health and addiction consumer, peer support and lived experience workforce development...
Te Pou has created a resource to help manage the risk of harm from alcohol during the era of Covid-19.
Te Pou has created this resource to provide ways for all workers to support people who may be experiencing strong reacti...
Te Pou has put together a guide for using personal protective equipment (PPE), created specifically to help those workin...
This resource is for people in non-government organisations (NGOs) who support people in their homes and have been advis...
This resource will instruct you on how to effectively put on personal protective equipment (PPE).
Personal protective equipment (PPE) needs to be taken off and thrown away in a specific order. Follow the relevant steps...
Te Pou has put together a word version guide for using personal protective equipment (PPE), created specifically to help...
This image resource will instruct you on how to effectively put on personal protective equipment (PPE).
Personal protective equipment (PPE) needs to be taken off and thrown away in a specific order. Follow the relevant steps...
Te Pou has created a resource offering practical guidance for NGO support workers providing support by phone or video to...
Follow this guide for some steps you can take before a call to make sure everything runs safely and smoothly.
This resource is for people working in non-government organisations (NGOs) who want guidance for moving to phone or vide...
This resource provides some advice to help while you are on a phone or video call.
Te Pou has created a word resource offering practical guidance for NGO support workers providing support by phone or vid...
This resource is for people who work in mental health, addiction and disability who want some general guidance on how to...
This word resource is for people who work in mental health, addiction and disability who want some general guidance on h...
This resource provides practical tips for the support workforce to use to support older people in their own homes during...
Many New Zealanders find themselves in the unfamiliar territory of working from home. It can be quite an adjustment at t...
This resource guides leaders and managers in determining whether a flexible working approach is right for their organisa...
A rapid review of the impact of COVID-19 on people with mental health issues across IIMHL countries.
O lenei oloa e patino lava i tagata o faalapotopotoga tuma’oti (NGOs) e fesoasoani i tagata i o latou aiga ma ua fautuai...
‘Oku fakataumu’a ‘a e tohi fakahinohino’ ni, kiate kinautolu ‘oku ‘i he ngaahi potungāue tāutaha, ‘o ‘ikai te nau ‘i he ...
Covid-19 is affecting Pasifika peoples, especially in Auckland. Here is what the evidence tells us.
Māfua‘aga e tāua ai le iloa e tagata Pasefika o le Koviti-19. O lea se tala ua tatou iloa mai faamaumauga?
Ko e hā ‘a e ‘uhinga ‘oku mahu’inga ai ‘a e Covid-19 ki he kakai ‘o e Pasifiki. Ko e hā ‘a e mea ‘oku talamai kiate kita...
The More than numbers project has gathered information about the DHB and NGO adult mental health and addiction workforce...
The More than numbers project has gathered information to estimate the size, composition and turnover of the DHB adult m...
This report contains findings of a More than numbers survey of 232 New Zealand NGOs about their workforce delivering sec...
A 20 page snapshot of the key findings from the 2014 More than numbers survey of the secondary adult mental health and a...
The full report positions key findings of the survey in a broader policy and service delivery context.
This report shares the results of the 2014 More than numbers organisation workforce survey of Vote Health funded adult m...
This report shares the results of the 2014 More than numbers organisation workforce survey of Vote Health funded adult m...
This report describes the size, distribution and configuration of the Vote Health funded NGO workforce in adult mental h...
This report presents information on the forensic workforce in New Zealand's mental health services. It describes the siz...
This report presents information on dedicated social work positions in New Zealand's mental health and addiction service...
This report describes the size and distribution of the Vote Health funded family and whānau workforce. It looks at types...
The first of a suite of four Making a difference with data resources to help build your knowledge and skills around data...
The second of a suite of four Making a difference with data resources to help build your knowledge and skills around dat...
The third of a suite of four Making a difference with data resources to help build your knowledge and skills around data...
The fourth of a suite of four Making a difference with data resources to help build your knowledge and skills around dat...
The collection of social outcome indicators as part of an updated supplementary consumer record (SCR) in PRIMHD - mandat...
Tāku Reo, Tāku Mauri Ora - My Voice, My Life is a tāngata whai ora self-assessed outcomes measure developed for tāngata ...
Factsheet for Tāku Reo, Tāku Mauri Ora - My Voice, My Life is a tāngata whai ora self-assessed outcomes measure develope...
A brief summary of the development of Tāku Reo, Tāku Mauri Ora - My Voice, My Life
The full report on the development of Tāku Reo, Tāku Mauri Ora - My Voice, My Life
The collection of social outcome indicators as part of an updated supplementary consumer record (SCR) in PRIMHD - mandat...
This publication provides a connection between Māori perspectives on recovery and outcome measurement. This is 1 of thre...
These reports summarise the PRIMHD data submitted by all district health boards (DHBs) for the period Oct 2018 to Sep 20...
This report summarise the PRIMHD data submitted by all district health boards (DHBs) for the period Oct 2018 to Sep 2019
This report summarises the PRIMHD data submitted by all district health boards (DHBs) for the period Oct 2018 to Sep 201...
This report summarises the PRIMHD data submitted by all district health boards (DHBs) for the period January 2019 to Dec...
This report summarises the PRIMHD data submitted by all district health boards (DHBs) for the period January 2019 to Dec...
This report summarises the PRIMHD data submitted by all district health boards (DHBs) for the period January 2019 to Dec...
Te Pou publishes Programme for the Integration of Mental Health Data (PRIMHD) reports every three months. These reports...
Te Pou publishes Programme for the Integration of Mental Health Data (PRIMHD) reports every three months. These reports...
Te Pou publishes Programme for the Integration of Mental Health Data (PRIMHD) reports every three months. These reports...
This report summarises the PRIMHD data submitted by all district health boards (DHBs) for the period April 2019 to March...
This report summarises the PRIMHD data submitted by all district health boards (DHBs) for the period April 2019 to March...
This report summarises the PRIMHD data submitted by all district health boards (DHBs) for the period April 2019 to March...
Te Pou publishes Programme for the Integration of Mental Health Data (PRIMHD) reports every three months. These reports...
Te Pou publishes Programme for the Integration of Mental Health Data (PRIMHD) reports every three months. These reports...
Te Pou publishes Programme for the Integration of Mental Health Data (PRIMHD) reports every three months. These reports...
Te Pou publishes Programme for the Integration of Mental Health Data (PRIMHD) reports every three months. These reports...
Te Pou publishes Programme for the Integration of Mental Health Data (PRIMHD) reports every three months. These reports...
Te Pou publishes Programme for the Integration of Mental Health Data (PRIMHD) reports every three months. These reports...
Te Pou publishes Programme for the Integration of Mental Health Data (PRIMHD) reports every three months. These reports...
Te Pou publishes Programme for the Integration of Mental Health Data (PRIMHD) reports every three months. These reports...
Te Pou publishes Programme for the Integration of Mental Health Data (PRIMHD) reports every three months. These reports...
Te Pou publishes Programme for the Integration of Mental Health Data (PRIMHD) reports every three months. These reports...
Te Pou publishes Programme for the Integration of Mental Health Data (PRIMHD) reports every three months. These reports...
Te Pou publishes Programme for the Integration of Mental Health Data (PRIMHD) reports every three months. These reports...
Te Pou publishes Programme for the Integration of Mental Health Data (PRIMHD) reports every three months. These reports...
Te Pou publishes Programme for the Integration of Mental Health Data (PRIMHD) reports every three months.
These reports summarise the PRIMHD data submitted by all Te Whatu Ora districts for the period April 2023 to March 2024.
Te Pou publishes Programme for the Integration of Mental Health Data (PRIMHD) reports every three months.
Programme for the Integration of Mental Health Data (PRIMHD) reports for the period October 2020 to September 2021, summ...
Programme for the Integration of Mental Health Data (PRIMHD) reports for the period July 2021 to June 2022, summarising ...
Programme for the Integration of Mental Health Data (PRIMHD) reports for the period July 2023 to June 2024, summarising ...
Programme for the Integration of Mental Health Data (PRIMHD) reports for the period October 2021 to September 2022, summ...
Programme for the Integration of Mental Health Data (PRIMHD) reports for the period October 2022 to September 2023, summ...
Programme for the Integration of Mental Health Data (PRIMHD) reports for the period January to December 2021, summarisin...
Programme for the Integration of Mental Health Data (PRIMHD) reports for the period January to December 2021, summarisin...
Programme for the Integration of Mental Health Data (PRIMHD) reports for the period January to December 2023, summarisin...
Te Pou publishes Programme for the Integration of Mental Health Data (PRIMHD) reports every three months. These reports...
Te Pou publishes Programme for the Integration of Mental Health Data (PRIMHD) reports every three months.
These reports summarise the PRIMHD data submitted by all Te Whatu Ora districts for the period April 2023 to March 2024.
Te Pou publishes Programme for the Integration of Mental Health Data (PRIMHD) reports every three months.
Programme for the Integration of Mental Health Data (PRIMHD) reports for the period October 2020 to September 2021, summ...
Programme for the Integration of Mental Health Data (PRIMHD) reports for the period July 2021 to June 2022, summarising ...
Programme for the Integration of Mental Health Data (PRIMHD) reports for the period July 2023 to June 2024, summarising ...
Programme for the Integration of Mental Health Data (PRIMHD) reports for the period October 2021 to September 2022, summ...
Programme for the Integration of Mental Health Data (PRIMHD) reports for the period October 2022 to September 2023, summ...
Programme for the Integration of Mental Health Data (PRIMHD) reports for the period January to December 2021, summarisin...
Programme for the Integration of Mental Health Data (PRIMHD) reports for the period January to December 2022, summarisin...
Programme for the Integration of Mental Health Data (PRIMHD) reports for the period January to December 2023, summarisin...
Te Pou publishes Programme for the Integration of Mental Health Data (PRIMHD) reports every three months. These reports...
Te Pou publishes Programme for the Integration of Mental Health Data (PRIMHD) reports every three months.
These reports summarise the PRIMHD data submitted by all Te Whatu Ora districts for the period April 2023 to March 2024.
Te Pou publishes Programme for the Integration of Mental Health Data (PRIMHD) reports every three months.
Te Pou publishes Programme for the Integration of Mental Health Data (PRIMHD) reports every three months.
Te Pou publishes Programme for the Integration of Mental Health Data (PRIMHD) reports every three months.
Te Pou publishes Programme for the Integration of Mental Health Data (PRIMHD) reports every three months.
Te Pou publishes Programme for the Integration of Mental Health Data (PRIMHD) reports every three months.
Te Pou publishes Programme for the Integration of Mental Health Data (PRIMHD) reports every three months.
Te Pou publishes Programme for the Integration of Mental Health Data (PRIMHD) reports every three months.
These reports summarise the PRIMHD data submitted by all district health boards (DHBs) for the period January to Decembe...
Te Pou publishes Programme for the Integration of Mental Health Data (PRIMHD) reports every three months.
Te Pou publishes Programme for the Integration of Mental Health Data (PRIMHD) reports every three months. These reports...
Te Pou publishes Programme for the Integration of Mental Health Data (PRIMHD) reports every three months. These reports...
Te Pou publishes Programme for the Integration of Mental Health Data (PRIMHD) reports every three months. These reports...
Ideal for printing at A4 size to stick on the wall, Why we collect HoNOS summarises why HoNOS collection is important.
The report summary provides a brief overview of the results presented in the review. For additional information on the r...
This technical report looks at the validity and reliability of the HoNOS family of measures. There is anecdotal evidenc...
This shows the performance indicators based on Let's get real for use in the information/outcomes area connected to the ...
This resource gives service users information about how HoNOS-secure is collected and how their ratings can be used to s...
This resource gives information about HoNOS-LD to families and supporters of people with intellectual disabilities who a...
This resource gives information about HoNOSCA to parents and carers of children and adolescents who are using specialist...
This resource give service users information about how HoNOS and HoNOS65+ are collected and how their ratings can be use...
Use these simple instructions to create an account at learn.org.nz. Once you have an account set up you can access our ...
This report shows the demographic and service profile of DHB mental health and addiction employees.
This report shows the demographic and service profile of DHB mental health and addiction employees.
This report shows the demographic and service profile of DHB mental health and addiction employees.
This document was written in conjunction with the Ministry of Health. It communicates the factors that influence complia...
This publication shows the details of the train the trainer model which has been developed by Te Pou for training outcom...
Very few service users know that one of the Health of the Nation Outcome Scale (HoNOS) family of measures is collected a...
Strategies for making HoNOSCA, HoNOS and HoNOS65+ a useful tool for your clinical team.
Downloadable resource: Multi-disciplinary team review form
Downloadable resource: Suggested process for using the HoNOS(CA) in team meetings to plan for care and recovery
Using the HoNOS family of measures to help plan for care and recovery in the team meeting
A quick strategy card for using HoNOS to help plan for care and recovery in the team meeting
This resource summarises population projections based on information provided by the Ministry of Health to Te Pou.
This resource summarises population projections based on information provided by the Ministry of Health to Te Pou.
This resource summarises 10 years of population projections based on information provided by the Ministry of Health to T...
This A3 resource provides an overview of the Getting it right workforce planning approach. It's a useful resource for pe...
This guide presents a strategic approach to workforce development that is driven by population health needs and health p...
Workforce planning is the systematic identification, analysis and planning of future workforce needs bases on population...
A strategic approach to training and development that is underpinned by workforce planning to ensure investments in peop...
These MS Word templates are part of the Getting it right series of resources and a supplement to the Workforce planning ...
Scope it right is a workforce development resource to support organisations, services and practitioners in mental health...
Scope it right is a workforce development resource to support organisations, services and practitioners in mental health...
Workforce planning and development is most effective when informed by population health needs and information about the ...
Ten key features of service delivery, and the aims of each feature.
Knowing the People Planning (KPP) is a practical approach that assists Hawkes Bay’s mental health services plan for and ...
This report identifies systems district health board mental health clinical services have in place to meet the needs of ...
To inform the peer workforce strategy Te Pou produced a literature review looking at the features of eight peer workforc...
A brief summary of evidence about the use of phone or video calls for a range of supervision types, including clinical a...
Guidance for supervisors and supervisees using phone or video calls for supervision featuring key considerations when us...
Aronui: Supervision Guide for addiction practitioners, supervisors and managers is tailored to dapaanz registered addict...
This resource looks at how supervision can assist the support workforce to provide effective, safe and quality services.
This resource looks at how supervision can assist the support workforce to provide effective, safe and quality services.
This guide is specifically designed to help nursing leaders and managers understand what professional supervision is and...
This guide is for nurses who are new to supervision, for example, new graduate nurses. It outlines key issues to be awa...
This guide is designed to help more experienced mental health and addiction nurses, who are either new to the role of su...
This guidance focuses on the importance of clinical and professional supervision. It provides information for kaiwhakaha...
This guidance focuses on the importance of clinical and professional supervision. It provides information for kaiwhakaha...
This infographic draws key insights from the literature review - Collaborative capability in the mental health and addic...
This literature review looks to understand what makes collaborations successful. It explores the values, behaviours and ...
Citizen engagement chapter of the Collaborative capability in the mental health and addiction sector literature review.
Collaborative capability chapter of the Collaborative capability in the mental health and addiction sector literature re...
Executive summary of the Collaborative capability in the mental health and addiction sector literature review.
Technical approaches to partnerships chapter of the Collaborative capability in the mental health and addiction sector l...
Summary and conclusion chapter of the Collaborative capability in the mental health and addiction sector literature revi...
On Track: Knowing where we are going is a road map for the future of non-government mental health and addiction organisa...
On Track: Knowing where we are going is a road map for the future of non-government mental health and addiction organisa...
Fast Track highlights some of the key issues for the further development of the community support workforce.
A fact sheet about the NGO peer support workforce (consumer, and family and whānau) showing the results of a 2014 survey...
Summaries from the three 2018 regional mental health and addiction support worker forums, plus a national summary. The f...
Summary from the MHA Support work forum - Auckland 2018. The forum discussed the key questions in Fast Track: challenges...
Summary from the MHA Support work forum - Wellington 2018. The forum discussed the key questions in Fast Track: challeng...
Summary from the MHA Support work forum - Christchurch 2018. The forum discussed the key questions in Fast Track: challe...
Since On Track’s publication, many organisations have utilised the document to make system improvements and better meet ...
Dr Barbara Disley presentation: The Mental Health Inquiry - Implications for how we work
Abbie Ranui presentation from the National support worker summit: The Space We Share Between Us - Considerations for the...
Aly McNicoll's presentation from the National support worker summit: Supervision - Strengthening Our Practice
Caro Swanson's Peer Workforce presentation from the National support worker summit: The peer workforce - When life and w...
Quotes gathered from the National support worker summit.
Emma Wood's presentation from the National support worker summit: What we have heard so far
Download the images from the National support worker summit here.
What is addiction? (in simplified Chinese) 请查看我们的最新资讯'什么是成瘾' ?也可以请求邮寄资讯小册
What is addiction? (in traditional Chinese) 請查看我們的最新資訊'什麼是成癮'? 也可以請求郵寄資訊小冊
A guide to standard drinks (unit/bottle) in 简体中文 Simplified Chinese. Part of a range of Asian language resources.
A guide to standard drinks (unit/bottle) in 繁體中文 Traditional Chinese. Part of a range of Asian language resources.
A guide to standard drinks (unit/bottle) in 日本語 Japanese. Part of a range of Asian language resources.
A guide to standard drinks (unit/bottle) in 한국어 Korean. Part of a range of Asian language resources.
为了帮助说汉语的人更好地了解酒精如何影响身体和健康,信息表已经用简体中文进行了开发. To help Chinese speaking people better understand how alcohol affects the bo...
日本人が身体や健康にどのように影響するかを理解するために、情報シートは日本語で作成されています. To help Japanese speaking people better understand how alcohol affects...
한국어로 말하는 사람들이 알코올이 신체와 건강에 어떤 영향을 주는지 더 잘 이해할 수 있도록 정보 시트가 한국어로 개발되었습니다. To help Korean speaking people better understa...
為了幫助說漢語的人更好地了解酒精如何影響身體和健康,信息表已經用簡體中文進行了開發. To help Chinese speaking people better understand how alcohol affects the bo...
Asian recovery stories in simplified Chinese. Part of a range of Asian language resources.
Asian recovery stories in Korean. Part of a range of Asian language resources.
Asian recovery stories in Vietnamese. Part of a range of Asian language resources.
Asian recovery stories in Thai. Part of a range of Asian language resources.
Asian recovery stories in Japanese. Part of a range of Asian language resources.
Position Statement from the mental health and addiction vaccine expert advisory group
The requirements for Skills Matter funded programmes, covering academic and clinical components, supervision requirement...
The requirements for Skills Matter funded programmes, covering academic and clinical components, supervision requirement...
The requirements for Skills Matter funded programmes, covering academic and clinical components, supervision requirement...
The requirements for Skills Matter funded programmes, covering academic and clinical components, supervision requirement...
The requirements for Skills Matter funded programmes, covering academic and clinical components, supervision requirement...
The requirements for Skills Matter funded programmes, covering academic and clinical components, supervision requirement...
An infographic highlighting the use, benefits and outcomes of using the 5-Step Method with whānau members.
This resource supports organisations to align their HR processes and systems with Let’s get real: Disability
The templates from the Let's get real: Disability human resources tool available to download a formatted Word file.
The templates from the Let's get real: Disability human resources tool available to download as a plain text accessible ...
Guidance for Skill Matter trainees’ employing organisations on what they need to know and do to support the trainee thro...
Guidance for NGOs supporting a nurse on the New Entry to Specialist Practice: Mental Health and Addiction Nursing progra...
Our values inform and direct everything we do. In health, it starts with valuing the person sitting in front of you righ...
The way we speak to and about people is a window into what we are really thinking. Communication is a highly complex thi...
Language is powerful, especially when talking about addiction.
The Values in action posters can be used with teams and people you are working with to take a values informed approach t...
The Values in action cards are part of a suite of resources that includes posters, values workshops, and Values informed...
Values in action planning for implementation template
These workshop resources aim to equip people to facilitate workshops in ways that enable participants to reflect and exp...
These Values in action resources have been developed to promote values informed practices.
Participants can reflect on how their values and attitudes and the values and attitudes of others, influence everyday pr...
Values in action team worksheets for download
A template to support you with post-workshop evaluation.
Values in action workshop reflection sheet for use after a Let's get real values in action workshop.
This resource supports organisations to make sure Let’s get real: Disability is a part of service planning. Organisation...
The templates from the Let's get real: Disability Service planning tool available to download a formatted Word file.
The templates from the Let's get real: Disability - Service planning tool available to download as a plain text accessib...
This guide is for people who have coaching roles within their organisation.
This guide explains how to use the Let’s get real: Disability framework and its implementation tools in an organisation.
This tool is used during the analyse phase of service planning. It relates to Template 1 of the Let’s get real: Disabili...
This tool is used during the analyse phase of service planning. It relates to Template 1 of the Let’s get real: Disabili...
A project based approach is one way to implement Let’s get real: Disability across your organisation. This resource look...
This resource supports organisations to make sure Let’s get real: Disability is a part of workforce planning. Organisati...
The templates from the Let's get real: Disability - Workforce planning tool available to download a formatted Word file.
The templates from the Let's get real: Disability - Workforce planning tool available to download as a plain text access...
This etext resource describes the essential attitudes, values, knowledge and seven Real Skills needed to work in disabil...
This plain text resource describes the essential attitudes, values, knowledge and seven Real Skills needed to work in di...
This resource describes the essential attitudes, values, knowledge and seven Real Skills needed to work in disability. I...
This easy read resource describes the essential attitudes, values, knowledge and seven Real Skills needed to work in dis...
This document provides written guidance for leaders on how to start targeted workforce development using Real Skills Onl...
This document provides written guidance for workers on how to start targeted development using Real Skills Online.
Mersey Care’s chief executive Joe Rafferty shared Mersey Care’s transformation in a presentation on a zero suicide appro...
Weaving together knowledge for wellbeing is a resource on trauma informed approaches, recognising, understanding and res...
The purpose of this evaluation report is to identify whether participants’ values, attitudes, knowledge and skills in th...
This review was undertaken to better understand evidence-based approaches to trauma-informed service delivery and workfo...
This report is a summary of the findings from a literature scan undertaken to better understand evidence-based approache...
The literature scan described why using a trauma-informed approach is important, what it involves, and how organisations...
The literature scan described why using a trauma-informed approach is important, what it involves, and how organisations...
The literature scan described why using a trauma-informed approach is important, what it involves, and how organisations...
Introduction to Health Literacy NZ Training for health coaches
Information on the Tamaki Healthcare Integrated Health Coach Training: Role, Hiring and Competencies
Worker wellbeing is receiving increasing attention. Internationally, and in New Zealand specifically, organisations and ...
If your organisation does not yet have an Equally Well action plan, you can use this template to get started.
The aim of this self-assessment tool is to assist providers to identify how they are currently supporting the physical h...
This report summarises the PRIMHD data submitted by all district health boards (DHBs) for the period July 2019 to June 2...
This report summarises the PRIMHD data submitted by all district health boards (DHBs) for the period July 2019 to June 2...
This report summarises the PRIMHD data submitted by all district health boards (DHBs) for the period July 2019 to June 2...
This infographic for the HoNOSCA national report July 2019 to June 2020 highlights the key findings from each section of...
In 2017, Te Pou followed up with a sample of students who obtained Skills Matter funding in 2016 to better understand th...
Evaluation report of courses funded under the Skills Matter programme.
Second follow up of students from the 2016 Skills Matter cohort.
Evaluation of all courses funded under the Skills Matter programme.
It presents key outcome data, drawing on five years survey data, to explore outcomes achieved from Skills Matter.
This literature review looks at how interprofessional practice is currently being implemented nationally and internation...
Dr Adrian Field from Dovetail was commissioned to undertake the analysis of student survey data of the Skills Matter pro...
Each year Skills Matter students are surveyed and asked to reflect on their study and practice. Here we share three stud...
In 2019, 165 applications from 69 organisations and 4 individuals across New Zealand received a consumer leadership deve...
This resource outlines how the disability workforce development grants were allocated in 2018.
This resource outlines how the disability workforce development grants were allocated in 2016.
This plain text resource outlines how the disability workforce development grants were allocated in 2016.
This etext resource outlines how the disability workforce development grants were allocated in 2016.
This resource outlines how the disability workforce development grants were allocated in 2017.
This plain text resource outlines how the disability workforce development grants were allocated in 2017.
This plain etext resource outlines how the disability workforce development grants were allocated in 2017.
The aim of this resource is to promote the use of standardised and consistent high quality mental health and addiction s...
Kapa haka or herbal tea was a short one-hour webinar developed by Te Pou in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The webin...
This checklist aims to support the fidelity (adherence) of SPEC training delivery across DHBs to ensure national consist...
Evaluation of all courses funded under the Skills Matter programme in 2019.
Employer evaluation of 2019 courses funded under the Skills Matter programme.
Population projections provide vital information to help people involved in workforce planning determine what services t...
Population projections provide vital information to help people involved in workforce planning determine what services t...
The COVID-19 pandemic and responses are likely to impact many older people’s wellbeing for some time. To inform services...
This is a refreshed Let’s get real framework - it's new and improved and New Zealand centric. It embodies key knowledge,...
An outline of the Let's get real framework with tips for getting started using Let's get real in your organisat...
This factsheet summarises participant feedback on an interprofessional learning pilot undertaken by Waitematā DHB and AU...
This factsheet outlines the key benefits of interprofessional practice and the mechanisms that are needed to support sus...
This report presents and evaluation of Tupu Ake, a 10-bed, 7-night-stay peer-led acute admission alternative based in Pa...
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
A guide to assist trainees in understanding the health improvement practitioner (HIP) training and preparing for their p...
A guide to assist practices in understanding the health improvement practitioner (HIP) training and preparing for the...
A guide to assist employers in preparing for pre-practicum and practicum training of new health improvement practitio...
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This guide is for everyone who would like information about talking therapies used in New Zealand.
Traditional Asian beliefs about mental illness may have implications for the acceptability and relevance of talking ther...
This guide is designed primarily to assist practitioners working in mental health and addiction services and has been de...
This guide predominately presents ways of working with Pasifika individuals and their families.
This publication provides guidance on best and promising practice for talking therapies for staff working with older peo...
Talking therapies for people with problematic substance use is a resource developed to assist practitioners who work wit...
This guide is intended to provide a concise overview of recent patterns of immigration to this country, and to cover som...
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
GP and RN CC tool
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to health improvement practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
A tool to support health improvement practitioners (HIP) telehealth consults, with prompts and examples on how to frame ...
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
This resource is available only to Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) who have been permitted access.
We are family: stories of family and whānau affected by someone else's use of alcohol or other drugs
Working with families experiencing complex and challenging issues, alcohol and other drug use.
Kina Trust, in partnership with Matua Raki, has developed this resource to equip clinical supervisors in the alcohol and...
Kina Trust, in partnership with Matua Raki, has developed this resource to equip clinical supervisors in the alcohol and...
This publication outlines resources for leaders and managers to develop and sustain trauma-informed services within the...
People who experience problematic substance use, once unemployed, face multiple barriers to returning to work. As a resu...
These questions will help you to identify how Let’s get real supports your strategic goals and vision, where you are now...
For Let's get real Guide for leaders - prepare for change. https://www.tepou.co.nz/admin/entries/resources/140467?draftI...
For Let's get real Guide for leaders - prepare for change.
For Let's get real Guide for leaders - prepare for change.
For Let's get real Guide for leaders - prepare for change.
For Let's get real Guide for leaders - prepare for change.
For Let's get real Guide for leaders - prepare for change.
For Let's get real Guide for leaders - prepare for change.
For Let's get real Guide for leaders - prepare for change.
For Let's get real Guide for leaders - prepare for change.
For Let's get real Guide for leaders - prepare for change.
For Let's get real Guide for leaders - prepare for change.
For Let's get real Guide for leaders - prepare for change.
For Let's get real Guide for leaders - prepare for change.
For Let's get real Guide for leaders - prepare for change.
These are the essence statements especially interpreted for use with Ngá Púkenga Ahurea (the 14 competencies) of the Tak...
An extract from the Approved Assessors Manual
The Takarangi Competency Framework provides a yardstick against which practitioners in the alcohol and other drug, probl...
The portfolio contains evidence of achievement of learning outcomes over time. This evidence is supplemented by reflecti...
The Takarangi Competency Framework (TCF) was initially a Māori practitioner competency framework.
常见精神依赖性药物及赌博 本资讯是对赌博和常见精神依赖性药物, 及它们带来的危害和有害行为的预警信号的一个简单介绍。This resource gives a brief introduction to gambling, alcohol ...
常見精神依賴性藥物及賭博 本資訊是對賭博和常見精神依賴性藥物, 及它們帶來的危害和有害行為的預警信號的一個簡單介紹。 人們有時會通過飲酒、用藥或其他一些行為,諸如:賭博,購物,暴飲暴食,性行 為, 鍛煉,互聯網和電子娛樂等來使自己感覺良好。...
成瘾问题的治疗方法 该资料简要介绍了如何在社区中为酗酒,吸毒和赌博(成瘾)问题的人提供 支持。一些方法对一系列成瘾问题有帮助,而另一些方法则是针对特定的成 瘾精神依赖性药物或行为制定的。解决成瘾问题的主要方法是谈话疗法,药 物治疗和公共卫生...
成癮問題的治療方法 該資料簡要介紹了如何在社區中為酗酒,吸毒和賭博(成癮)問題的人提供支持。壹些方法對壹系列成癮問題有幫助,而另壹些方法則是針對特定的成癮精神依賴性藥物或行為制定的。解決成癮問題的主要方法是談話療法,藥物治療和公共衛生方法。...
A guide for people trying to reduce or stop using methamphetamine
A guide for people trying to stop using drugs and or alcohol
There is an independent association between the experience of mental health and addiction issues and a higher likelihood...
The Values in action cards, along with the guidance for use, can be used with teams and people you are working with to t...
This report summarises the PRIMHD data submitted by all district health boards (DHBs) for the period October 2019 to Sep...
This report summarises the PRIMHD data submitted by all district health boards (DHBs) for the period October 2019 to Sep...
This report summarises the PRIMHD data submitted by all district health boards (DHBs) for the period October 2019 to Sep...
This template can help get you started with your personal development plan.
Job descriptions that include the seven Real Skills will ensure increased accountability, as the successful candidate ca...
The seven Real Skills sit alongside professional and organisational competencies required for the job.
The checklist is a brief tool to support organisations to create and shape recruitment policies that reflect the core co...
This template provides examples of behavioural and situational questions you might like to use to gain information about...
This template provides an outline of a panel or group interview procedure in relation to the Let’s get real val...
This template can help get you started with your team's development plan.
Welcome to this collection of stories from people brave enough to share their experience of opioid substitution treatmen...
This report explores ADOM for Justice referrals into PRIMHD covering the period October 2019 to September 2020.
This ADOM report focuses on the type, number and combination of substances used concurrently, commonly known as polysubs...
An evaluation of the webinar series introducing the latest edition of the Six Core Strategies for reducing the use of se...
Two national report cards have been created to show the feedback gathered through Mārama Real-Time Feedback over the pas...
This infographic for the HoNOS national report October 2019 to September 2020 highlights the key findings from each sect...
This report looks at how well DHBs and NGOs are collecting ADOM for the period October 2019 to September 2020.
This report looks at how well DHBs and NGOs are collecting ADOM for the period July 2020 to June 2021.
This report looks at how well DHBs and NGOs are collecting ADOM for the period October 2020 to September 2021.
This report looks at how well Te Whatu Ora Districts and NGOs are collecting ADOM for the period October 2021 to Septemb...
This report looks at how well Te Whatu Ora Districts and NGOs are collecting ADOM for the period April 2022 to March 202...
Five simple ways to rethink how job advertisements are written to help attract young, diverse candidates for disability ...
The outcomes graph builder has been designed for clinicians who have limited access to IT tools.
The HoNOS65+outcomes graph builder has been designed for clinicians who have limited access to IT tools.
The HoNOS-secure outcomes graph builder has been designed for clinicians who have limited access to IT tools.
The Kessler 10 outcomes graph builder has been designed for clinicians who have limited access to IT tools.
The HoNOS outcomes graph builder has been designed for clinicians who have limited access to IT tools.
The HoNOS-LD outcomes graph builder has been designed for clinicians who have limited access to IT tools.
Evaluation of courses funded under the Skills Matter programme in 2020.
Evaluation of the course experiences of students in the Skills Matter programme in 2021.
A comprehensive survey of the demographics and wellbeing of the addictions workforces in New Zealand.
A brief fact sheet highlighting the key points from the video, Let's get talking - Introduction: A stepped care approach...
The Let’s get talking Planning tool assists services with workforce planning to establish, or extend, talking t...
A Word template of the Let’s get talking Planning tool.
The Let’s get talking Skills survey tool can help primary and secondary mental health and addiction services to...
A Word template of the Let’s get talking Skills survey tool
The Let’s get talking: Therapy tool is designed to support best practice delivery of talking therapies using a stepped c...
The Let’s get talking: Review tool has been developed to support mental health and addiction practitioners and ...
The Let's get talking - Practice support tool aims to guide practitioners about the competencies, training and ...
What is a competency framework, why are they useful, and the first competency framework.
This guide from Te Pou provides an introduction to the addiction sector for students, new practitioners, and allied work...
Key findings from the 2020 evaluation of the Supporting Parents Healthy Children (SPHC) initiative.
This booklet has been written for you if you are thinking about or wanting to reduce or stop taking mental health medica...
These notes augment the information for consumers in "A guide to reducing or stopping mental health medication", and are...
A summary of the role of the HIP in Chinese.
An infographic summarising the DHB mental health and addiction employee profile 2019 report.
Assessing the content validity of the revised Health of the Nation Outcome Scales (HoNOS 2018)
Wellbeing resource for people with concerns relating to alcohol/waipiro.
Wellbeing resource for people who want to understand anxiety/manawapā.
Wellbeing resource for people wanting to understand and thinking about changing their cannabis/tarutaru use.
Wellbeing resource for people wanting to understand depression/hākerekere and actions to help improve their wellbeing.
Wellbeing resource for people wanting to reduce or stop gambling/petipeti and understand what can support change.
Wellbeing resource for people with concerns relating to grief.
Wellbeing resource for family and whānau of people with concerns relating to methamphetamine.
Wellbeing resource for people with concerns relating to methamphetamine use.
Wellbeing resource for people with concerns relating to physical activity/hauora tinana.
Wellbeing resource for people with concerns relating to problem solving.
Wellbeing resource for people with concerns relating to relaxation.
Wellbeing resource for people with concerns relating to sleep.
Wellbeing resource for people wanting to quit smoking/kai paipa or change to vaping.
Wellbeing resource for people with concerns relating to stress.
Wellbeing resource for people with concerns relating to wellbeing.
Wellbeing resource for people experiencing work-related stress/tāmitanga mahi.
This fact sheet highlights the changes coming to important collection rules connected to transfers between community and...
This report presents the results of the 2015 New Zealand Disability Support Network (NZDSN) and Te Pou survey of the wor...
This reports brings together information on New Zealand’s disability support workforce, including what the workforce loo...
This reports brings together information on New Zealand’s disability support workforce, including what the workforce loo...
Te Pou publishes Programme for the Integration of Mental Health Data (PRIMHD) reports every three months.
This report summarises the PRIMHD data submitted by all district health boards (DHBs) for the period January to December...
This report summarises the PRIMHD data submitted by all district health boards (DHBs) for the period January to December...
The purpose of this guide is to bring Motivational Interviewing (MI) to Māori working in the health and social service s...
A resource to increase the knowledge and confidence of those working alongside young people in the primary care environm...
The Equally Well consensus position paper outlines the driving principles of the project. Organisations can show their c...
This infographic for the HoNOSCA national report January to December 2020 highlights the key findings from each section ...
This infographic for the HoNOSCA national report July 2020 to June 2021 highlights the key findings from each section of...
This infographic for the HoNOSCA national report July 2021 to June 2022 focusing on what is important at admission.
This infographic for the HoNOSCA national report from October 2022 to September 2023 focuses on what is important at adm...
This infographic for the HoNOS65+ national report July 2022 to June 2023 focusing on what is important at admission.
This infographic for the HoNOS national report July 2023 to June 2024 focusing on what is important at admission.
A visual representation of the Equally Well programme of collaborative action.
Key facts about life expectancy, co-existing issues, medication, and substance use for people experiencing mental health...
Te Pou has undertaken an analysis of New Zealand Health Survey (NZHS) data to better understand the physical health need...
As part of the Equally Well project, Te Pou completed a review of both published and unpublished literature on the physi...
Te Pou is pleased to launch the 2017 Equally Well evidence update on the physical health of people with mental health co...
The summary report of the 2017 Equally Well evidence update on the physical health of people with mental health conditio...
As part of the Equally Well project, Te Pou completed a review of both published and unpublished literature on the physi...
This summary updates the findings from an evidence review as part of the Ministry of Health’s review of guidance on CVD ...
The ratings sheet for HoNOS or HoNOS65+ adults.
The rating sheet for HoNOSCA.
The rating sheet for HoNOSI.
Assessing the content validity of the revised Health of the Nation Outcome Scales 65+: the HoNOS Older Adults
This report looks at how well DHBs and NGOs are collecting ADOM for the period January to December 2020.
This is the tenth ADOM report, covering the period January to December 2020.
This is the eleventh ADOM report, covering the period July 2020 to June 2021.
This infographic provides an overview of some of the main findings of the tenth ADOM report for the period January to De...
This infographic provides an overview of some of the main findings of the eleventh ADOM report for the period July 2021 ...
This infographic provides an overview of some of the main findings of the ADOM opioid substitution treatment (OST) repor...
This infographic provides an overview of some of the main findings of the ADOM concurrent multiple substance use report....
The purpose of this guide is to improve national consistency in the collection and use of mental health and addiction ac...
This document outlines the competencies necessary for the peer workforce at four levels: essential, peer practitioner, m...
This document lists definitions of terms commonly used and encountered by people working in the consumer, peer support a...
An analysis of locations and methods of suicide to support suicide reduction goals in New Zealand.
The purpose of this rapid review is to provide current evidence on e-mental health approaches in responding to mild to m...
Module 1 of HoNOS family of measures Train the Trainer training modules.
The written vignette for the HoNOS case study - Shirley.
The written vignette for the HoNOS case study - Terry.
The written vignette for the HoNOSCA case study - Hohepa.
The written vignette for the HoNOSCA case study - Mereana.
The written vignette for the HoNOS-secure case study - Asad.
The written vignette for the HoNOS-secure case study - Larry.
The written vignette for the HoNOS-LD case study - Stevie.
The written vignette for the HoNOS-LD case study - Raymond.
The written vignette for the HoNOS65+ case study - Mr Whareraia.
The written vignette for the HoNOS65+ case study - Mrs Chan.
The consensus scores for the HoNOS case study - Shirley.
The consensus scores for the HoNOSCA case study - Hohepa
The consensus scores for the HoNOS case study - Terry
The admission consensus scores for the HoNOSCA case study - Mereana
The discharge consensus scores for the HoNOSCA case study - Mereana
The consensus scores for the HoNOS-secure case study - Asad.
The consensus scores for the HoNOS-LD case study - Stevie.
The consensus scores for the HoNOS-LD case study - Raymond.
The consensus scores for the HoNOS-secure case study - Larry.
The consensus scores for the HoNOS65+ case study - Mr Whareraia.
The consensus scores for the HoNOS65+ case study - Mrs Chan.
This report summarises the socio-demographic and service profile of 8,419 DHB employees working in 7,554 FTE positions a...
The HoNOS-secure glossary for users of secure and forensic services.
Published in March 2012, this study,of suicide clusters used spatial analytic methods to uncover important and unexpecte...
A resource for tāngata whai i te ora, tāngata mātau ā-wheako and their whānau as well as people working in mental health...
The completion report for the HoNOS family of measures for all the DHBs looking at the period January to March 2021.
The completion report for the HoNOS family of measures for all the DHBs looking at the period April to June 2021.
The completion report for the HoNOS family of measures for all Te Whatu Ora districts for the period July to September 2...
The completion report for the HoNOS family of measures for all Te Whatu Ora districts for the period July to September 2...
The completion report for the HoNOS family of measures for all the DHBs looking at the period July to September 2021.
The completion report for the HoNOS family of measures for all the DHBs looking at the period October to December 2021.<...
The completion report for the HoNOS family of measures for all Te Whatu Ora Districts for the period October to December...
Results of brief online survey of experiences during lockdown levels 3 and 4, May 2020.
This report uses Alcohol and other Drug Outcome Measure (ADOM) data from tāngata whai ora receiving OST in addiction ser...
The purpose of this document is to set out practice guidelines for FCLN’s to ensure nationally consistent practice.
A shared framework for the disability and mental health and addiction workforces providing support for autistic peopl...
A shared framework for the disability and mental health and addiction workforces providing support for autistic peopl...
What we have achieved, what helps bring change, and what we need to keep doing.
This evaluation provides insight into how Equally Well champions have taken action to shift practice and policy, and wha...
This plan outlines the actions needed to implement the Consumer, Peer Support and Lived Experience (CPSLE) Workforce Dev...
This programme implementation fidelity guide can be used to support the evaluation of your service’s implementation o...
The Ministry of Health published the revised Guidelines to the Mental Health (Compulsory Assessment and Treatment) Act 1...
The purpose of the surveys was to gather information from the district health board (DHB), non-government organisation (...
This strategy will support mental health and addiction consumer, peer support and lived experience workforce development...
Te Pou's commitment to diversity and inclusion
A recent study by Te Pou, published in The Journal of Mental Health Training, Education and Practice, shows fac...
An evaluation looking at the impact of COVID-19 on students participating in Skills Matter programmes.
Ngā Waka o Matariki (NWoM) Equally Well Māori Health Strategy’s aim is optimal mental and physical health of Whaiora Māo...
Customise your moemoeā (dreams and visions) for the Ngā Waka o Matariki (NWoM) Equally Well Māori Health Strategy.
Biographies for the Ngā Waka o Matariki (NWoM) Equally Well Māori Health Strategy rōpū.
Survey results showing lived experience and whānau perspectives on the development of the MH Act guidelines resources.
This infographic for the HoNOS national report October 2020 to September 2021 highlights the large improvement between a...
This infographic for the HoNOS national report October 2021 to September 2022 highlights the large improvement between a...
This guide has been designed to be an easy read format when following the process of how to apply for the Consumer Leade...
This brief literature review of e-therapies for substance use issues provides findings on the effectiveness of e-therapy...
Support workers were surveyed through a focus group and an e-survey as part of developing an e-learning for those new...
This literature review provides a summary of what competencies are required in order to support people to access mental ...
New supervision resource for the consumer, peer support and lived experience (CPSLE) workforce
New supervision resource for mental health and addiction support workers
Key findings from the April 2021 sensory modulation train-the-trainer evaluation.
Full findings from the April 2021 sensory modulation train-the-trainer evaluation.
This guide is set up to assist health sector workers to navigate the Real Skill: Working with people experiencing mental...
Use this poster to promote "Tātou tātou: being with people and whānau" within your service.
This literature scan was undertaken to develop a better understanding of the extent and impact of stigma and discrimi...
This document provides an overview of the key findings from a literature scan undertaken to develop a better understa...
Glossary for Health of the Nation Outcome Scales for Infants (HoNOSI) (0-47months)
Please complete this survey about your adult alcohol and drug and mental health (including forensic) workforce delive...
This plastic drinking cup is a useful tool to show people what a standard drink actually is.
This report aims to provide an initial snapshot of the HIP and health coach workforce as part of the IPMHA programme to ...
This report provides a summary of information about people registered for health coach and health improvement practition...
This report provides a snapshot of information about people registered for health improvement practitioner training betw...
This report provides a snapshot of information about people registered for health coach training between 1 January and 3...
This summary provides a snapshot of the health coach workforce delivering integrated primary mental health and addiction...
This summary provides a snapshot of the health improvement practitioner workforce delivering integrated primary mental h...
This document provides the methodology used for the mental health and addiction employee demographic and service prof...
Infographic showing the national employed workforce size, composition, and turnover trends for 2021.
Factsheet for national employed workforce size, composition, and turnover trends for 2021.
The results of evaluation for the health improvement practitioner training in 2020.
The results of evaluation for the health coach training in 2020.
Evaluation report of the findings for the health improvement practitioner training programme from January to June 202...
Evaluation report of the findings for the health coach training programme from January to June 2021.
Evaluation report of the findings for the health improvement practitioner training programme from July to December 20...
Evaluation report of the findings for the health coach training programme from July to December 2021.
Slides of the Addiction in primary care webinar emphasising the unique opportunities to support people with add...
Slides of the Childhood challenges webinar emphasising the unique opportunities to support children, young peop...
Slides of the Kernels of behavioural change webinar emphasising evidence-based approaches to health behaviou...
Slides of the Long-term conditions webinar emphasising the unique opportunities to support individuals with ...
Slides of the Persistent pain webinar emphasising the unique opportunities to support individuals with persi...
Slides of the Psychological distress webinar emphasising the unique opportunities to support individuals in ...
The twelfth national alcohol and drug outcome measure (ADOM) report focuses on the recovery of tāngata whai ora where al...
The thirteenth national alcohol and drug outcome measure (ADOM) report provides an overview of tāngata whai ora accessin...
The fifteenth national alcohol and drug outcome measure (ADOM) report provides an overview of tāngata whai ora accessing...
The seventeenth national alcohol and drug outcome measure (ADOM) report provides an overview of tāngata whai ora accessi...
The sixteenth national ADOM report compares the outcomes for tāngata whai ora men and women accessing community AOD serv...
This report explores individual changes in substance use frequency and wellbeing between treatment start and first revie...
The thirteenth national alcohol and drug outcome measure (ADOM) report looks at tāngata whai ora accessing services for ...
The Alcohol and Drug Outcome Measure (ADOM) provides tangata whai ora in community-based outpatient addiction services w...
This infographic looks at change during the first six weeks of treatment to better understand early treatment progress a...
This infographic provides an overview of some of the main findings of the twelfth ADOM report focusing on the recovery o...
This infographic provides an overview of some of the main findings of the thirteenth ADOM report.
This infographic provides an overview of some of the main findings of the fifteenth ADOM report.
This infographic provides an overview of the main findings of the sixteenth ADOM report.
This infographic provides an overview of the main findings of the seventeenth ADOM report.
This report looks at how well DHBs and NGOs are collecting ADOM for the period January to December 2021.
This report looks at how well Te Whatu Ora Districts and NGOs are collecting ADOM for the period July 2022 to June 2023....
This report looks at how well DHBs and NGOs are collecting ADOM for the period July 2021 to June 2022.
The evaluation report of a pilot project to increase Bay of Plenty DHB staff access to Te Pou e-learning content.
These report cards cover the January to June 2022 period.
This brief report summarises information from the New Zealand Health Survey’s mental health module undertaken i...
This report aims to assist understanding of current data about adult population mental health and substance use, the dif...
This evaluation report was created to review findings from the programme.
Programme for the Integration of Mental Health Data (PRIMHD) reports for the period April 2021 to March 2022, summarisin...
Programme for the Integration of Mental Health Data (PRIMHD) reports for the period April 2021 to March 2022, summarisin...
Programme for the Integration of Mental Health Data (PRIMHD) reports for the period April 2021 to March 2022, summarisin...
This infographic uses the data from the HoNOS national report for April 2021 to March 2022 to look at what is important ...
This infographic uses the data from the HoNOS and HoNOS65+ national reports for April 2022 to March 2023 focusing on adm...
A training needs analysis completed in 2022 for the consumer, peer support and lived experience (CPSLE) workforce.
This Alcohol and Drug Outcome Measure (ADOM) report looks at PRIMHD data from April 2019 to March 2022 focusing on treat...
Key findings from a series of focus groups held with support workers and their managers in June 2022.
This literature review summarises useful information about support worker scopes of practice.
This review identifies examples of CPSLE workforce scopes of practice from International Initiative for Mental Health Le...
This infographic provides an overview of some of the main findings of the problematic substance use among older people r...
A knowledge and skills framework for mental health, addiction, and disability workforces working in primary, secondary, ...
A knowledge and skills framework for mental health, addiction, and disability workforces working in primary, secondary, ...
A knowledge and skills framework for mental health, addiction, and disability workforces working in primary, secondary, ...
A knowledge and skills framework for mental health, addiction, and disability workforces working in primary, secondary, ...
A knowledge and skills framework for mental health, addiction, and disability workforces working in primary, secondary, ...
A report presenting findings from Health Improvement practitioner training evaluation from January to June 2022.
An evaluation of the health coach training from January to June 2022.
A report on the results and findings of the support worker e-learning from April to June 2022.
Principles for Oranga is intended to guide new ways of working together. This framework promotes shared understanding an...
A summary of the key themes from stakeholder feedback on the draft Equal Access to Wellbeing framework.
A summary of the key themes from stakeholder feedback on the draft Equal Access to Wellbeing framework.
An overview of services and workforce development training and strategies provided in Aotearoa New Zealand and internati...
An overview of services and workforce development training and strategies provided in Aotearoa New Zealand and internati...
This report highlights current international prevalence estimates for mental health conditions and problematic substance...
This report highlights current international prevalence estimates for mental health conditions and problematic substance...
This evidence update is for the mental health and addiction workforce. It focuses on eliminating the seclusion (solitary...
A literature scan to inform resource development for the "Working with people experiencing mental health and addiction n...
This evidence update focuses on the use of physical activities as a sensory modulation approach.
This document aims to support the CPSLE workforce to make informed decisions about the development of a national profess...
Information for people being assessed and treated under the Mental Health Act.
Information for whānau and family of someone being assessed and treated under the Mental Health Act.
Evaluation of the course experiences of students in the Skills Matter programme in 2022.
This resource outlines priorities and innovative solutions for the older persons' mental health and addiction sector ide...
A summary of the how the disability grants were allocated in 2020.
A summary of the how the disability grants were allocated in 2021.
2022 survey of adult alcohol and drug and mental health NGO services report
2022 survey of adult alcohol and drug and mental health NGO services report
An evaluation of the Ātea - Disability 101 pilot workshops held in 2022.
Evaluation report of the findings for the health improvement practitioner training programme from January to June 2021.<...
The purpose of this report is to share and discuss the evaluation findings for the HIP training programme from Januar...
An evaluation of the health coach training from July to December 2022.
An evaluation of the health coach training from January to June 2023.
Neurodiversity and mental health: A rapid review of the prevalence and experience of mental health challenges and proble...
He arataki ki ngā kaimahi mātau ā-wheako: A guide to the consumer, peer support, and lived experience workforce in menta...
This report provides a summary of information provided by people registered for health coach and health improvement prac...
This report provides a snapshot of information about people registered for health improvement practitioner training betw...
This report provides a snapshot of information about people registered for health coach training between 1 July and 31 D...
This report presents estimates for the 2022 Te Whatu Ora adult alcohol and drug, forensic, and mental health workforce b...
A summary report of the feedback from support workers who took the Skills for integration e-learning between July 2022 a...
A guide to establishing a community of practice for the mātau ā-wheako CPSLE workforce.
A printable template for things to consider when establishing a community of practice
A fillable template for things to consider when establishing a community of practice.
A checklist when establishing a community of practice for mātau ā-wheako Consumer, Peer Support and Lived Experience (CP...
Feedback on "Responding to substance use, intoxication and withdrawal" workshops.
Survey findings will inform and guide ongoing workforce planning and development, including implementation of the CPSLE ...
An update on the collaborative work underway to influence investment in, and support the design of, the next national me...
This guide has been developed to support the mātau ā-wheako CPSLE workforce to engage in reflective practice.
This guide outlines information relevant to kaiwhakahaere/managers who are responsible for establishing and enabling ref...
This guide outlines information relevant to those providing reflective practice to mātau ā-wheako CPSLE workers.
Programme for the Integration of Mental Health Data (PRIMHD) reports for the period April 2022 to March 2023, summarisin...
Programme for the Integration of Mental Health Data (PRIMHD) reports for the period April 2022 to March 2023, summarisin...
Te Pou publishes Programme for the Integration of Mental Health Data (PRIMHD) reports every three months.
The completion report for the HoNOS family of measures for all Te Whatu Ora Districts for the period January to March 20...
The completion report for the HoNOS family of measures for all Te Whatu Ora Districts for the period January to March 20...
Te Pou hosted the Māhuri Tōtara: National support worker summit on Tuesday, 13 June 2023. This report presents summarise...
We did a stakeholder survey to understand people's engagement with Let's get real.
Feedback from a series of online webinars Te Pou hosted for support workers working in mental health and addiction servi...
Report showing the number of infants aged 0 to 47 months seen by infant mental health services over a 1-year period.
This report summarises all the information collected by Te Pou about people registered for health coach and health impro...
This report summarises available information about the publicly funded health workforce in services for people with ment...
This infographic profiles Te Whatu Ora employed workforce in alcohol and drug, forensic, and mental health services to 3...
This factsheet summarises key features of Te Whatu Ora employed workforce in alcohol and drug, forensic, and mental heal...
This rapid review looks at the strength of evidence for the structural and intermediate determinants on mental health ch...
Programme for the Integration of Mental Health Data (PRIMHD) reports for the period July 2022 to June 2023, summarising ...
Programme for the Integration of Mental Health Data (PRIMHD) reports for the period April 2022 to March 2023, summarisin...
Te Pou publishes Programme for the Integration of Mental Health Data (PRIMHD) reports every three months.
The completion report for the HoNOS family of measures for all Te Whatu Ora Districts for the period April to June 2023.
The completion report for the HoNOS family of measures for all Te Whatu Ora Districts for the period April to June 2024.
On September 19th we held a hui to find out what older people need from mental health and addiction services....
Access the presentations from the inaugural Older Persons' Mental Health and Addiction Leadership Day
A report on the results and findings of the support worker e-learning from April to September 2023.
A post workshop evaluation of the Ātea - Disability 101 pilot workshops held in 2022.
Four training groups of people working in NGOs completed the training between August 2022 and June 2023. This report sum...
The 5-Step Method is focused on concerned whānau affected by the substance use of a relative within the family. The eval...
From January to June 2023, we journeyed around Aotearoa New Zealand both in person and virtually canvassing the National...
Te Pou, in partnership with Infant, Child and Youth workforce centre, Whāraurau, commissioned the University of Auckl...
Te Pou, in partnership with Infant, Child and Youth workforce centre, Whāraurau, commissioned the University of Auckland...
This excel workbook contains all measures that were found during a scoping review conducted by University of Auckland
Our leadership project aims to enhance the leadership capabilities in the health sector by making the Let's get real lea...
This guide demonstrates to people working in health or social services how to authentically engage with the mātau ā-whea...
Students in the Skills Matter programme funded through Te Pou are invited to complete an end of year survey about their ...
Trainee feedback from supervision skills training training for mental health nurses, October 2022 and October 2023.
This report summarises information provided to Te Pou by people registered for training between 1 January 2021 and 31 De...
Support Worker Professional Development Grants are specifically for support workers providing mental health and addictio...
This brief evidence update focuses on the prevention of aggression in mental health and addiction settings.
This report examines the impact of taking a cultural-clinical approach to reducing eliminating seclusion for Māori.
A scoping review on the prevalence of mental health conditions and problematic substance use to advance Hauora Māori.
Evaluation report of the findings for the health coach training programme from July to December 2023.
The purpose of this report is to share and discuss the evaluation findings for the HIP training programme from July to D...
Feedback from a series of online webinars Te Pou hosted for support workers working in mental health and addiction servi...
The aim of the Integrated Health Coach training is to develop the health coaching workforce with effective and adequate ...
This rapid review summarises information on outcome and experience measures from the perspective of people and whānau ac...
This document contains the appendices to accompany the document Lived Experience Measures: Measuring What is Impo...
This factsheet profiles Te Whatu Ora Health New Zealand providers employed workforce in alcohol and drug, forensic menta...
National employed mental health and addiction workforce size, composition, and turnover trends.
This is to be completed by HIPs and submitted monthly for the duration of the practicum.
use this tool to complete and submit monthly reflections and the three development plans.
Levels of professional practice reflection
This tool is designed to assist the HIP to provide guidance and education to the team on
how to best use HIP servi...
The HIP core competencies focus on the structure of clinical visits and team-based primary care. They are designed to as...
Barriers to use of same-day services (BUS) tool
Guidelines for establishing and maintaining peer mentor groups
Hua Oranga (the benefits of wellbeing)
Evidence on vicarious trauma among the mental health and addiction workforce.
Te Whare Tapa Whā template
Let’s get real is a framework that describes the values, attitudes, knowledge and skills required for working e...
We’re pleased to share some results of our Let’s get real champions evaluation mahi.
The arousal rating scale is a simple tool to know where on the scale of arousal a
person is before and after using...
A safe and effective tool for the prevention and treatment of emotional distress is the
therapeutic use of inhaled...
The following recommendations are provided, for the safe and effective use of weighted modalities with adults
Sensory modulation can provide strategies to help de-escalate or reduce heightened states, regulate arousal levels, and ...
Create your own sensory kit
Sensory modulation is an evidence-based approach used to support recovery. It is a way of using your senses to help regu...
This resource contains a Sensory modulation brochure for whānau.
This resource contains a set of sensory cards and guidance around how they can be used to promote whanaungatanga.
This document outlines the procedures for conducting sensory screening, assessment and the use of sensory interventions....
The following are recommended resources to assist you to plan, select and purchase items that may be useful.
This resource includes a suggested tool for sensory screening. The tool can be used alongside a person, or the person ca...
In this booklet you will be able to identify and understand what sensory processing difficulties look like.
In this booklet you will be able to identify strategies for ensuring cultural responsiveness in using sensory modulation...
In this booklet you will be able to apply informal sensory modulation assessment.
In this booklet you will understand how sensory modulation works in practice.
In this booklet you will be able to design a wellness plan in the context of sensory modulation approaches incorporating...
In this booklet you will be able to advance your practice in the application of sensory modulation in your work setting ...
Feedback from a series of online webinars Te Pou hosted for support workers working in mental health and addiction servi...
This infographic scan outlines key information about the drivers for mental health and addiction workforce planning and ...
Let’s get real was developed by Ministry of Health Manatū Hauora in 2008 and refreshed by Te Pou following sect...
This is a Microsoft Word template plan based on the Strategic planning for workforce development guide. It is for men...
Wondering how to get started on workforce planning and development?
Try our new Strategic planning for wor...
He pārongo mā ngā tāngata e aromatawaitia, e maimoatia hoki i raro i te Mental Health Act.
He pārongo mā te whānau o te tāngata e aromatawaitia ana, maimoatia ana hoki i raro i te Mental Health Act.
This report presents findings and options for updating Let’s get real for the older persons' workforce.
This summarises the findings and options for updating Let’s get real for the older persons' workforce.
This document contains further information to accompany the report "Updating Let’s get real for specialist olde...
This report provides a summary of information provided by people registered for health coach and health improvement prac...
Download a PDF of Te Pou's key activities 2023.
Evaluation feedback on resources for the revised guidelines on the Mental Health Act.
One-page summary of the evaluation feedback on resources for the revised guidelines on the Mental Health Act.
This report summarises the feedback gathered from attendees of the two Māhuri Tōtara national support worker summits hel...
A print friendly version of the training package in its entirety (except the eLearning module)
This comic takes you along Tom’s journey seeking wellbeing through a sensory lens.
Evaluation report of the findings for the health coach training programme from January to June 2024.
The purpose of this report is to share and discuss the evaluation findings for the HIP training programme from January t...
A report on the results and findings of the support worker e-learning from October 2023 to June 2024.
The key evaluation findings from the Addiction Leadership Day hosted in Tāmaki Makaurau on 31 July 2024.
Summary report for Older Persons' Mental Health and Addiction Leadership Day that occurred on 15 May 2024 in Christchurc...
Practical strategies to support the use of the Te Pou whakaāio ā-rongo sensory modulation training package across divers...
This review investigated what a trauma-informed approach looks like in Aotearoa New Zealand and the factors supporting t...
A summary of the full literature review investigating what a trauma-informed approach looks like in Aotearoa New Zealand...
The Older Persons' mental health and addiction Inaugural Leadership Day took place on November 15, 2023 in Wellington, w...
The partner briefing paper provides an update for our partners and stakeholders as of September 2024.
This report estimates the 2023 FTE workforce size, vacancies, composition, and turnover in Health New Zealand - Te Whatu...
This evaluation describes the impact of the sensory modulation training package on people's understanding of and will...
Te Ara Tūpuna Rangatira. An event about celebrating leadership – hearing from others who have made courageous and bold d...
Join us for a lunchtime session to hear about what the available data can tell us about mental health and substance use ...
Get the tools you need to effectively integrate Let’s get real into your health education or training programme...
A one-day forum for Let’s get real champions in Dunedin to equip people to successfully embed ...
A two hour workshop for Let’s get real champions in Christchurch to equip people to successful...
Join us for our launch of new e-learning module Let's get real: Working within communities.
Get the tools you need to effectively integrate Let’s get real into your health education or training programme...
This edition of the national support worker summit, Māhuri Tōtara, was held in June 2023
Get the tools you need to effectively integrate Let’s get real into your health education or training programme...
A day dedicated to strengthening and developing leadership in the addiction sector.
An online hui for Let’s get real Auckland champions.
Join our Let’s get real Educators Forum to foster conversation and share fresh ideas on wellbeing.
A day dedicated to strengthening and developing leadership in the addiction sector.
This inaugural older persons' mental health and addiction leadership day will be held in Wellington on 15 November 2023.
Te Pou is hosting a series of online workshops for support workers working in mental health and addiction services. T...
Te Pou is hosting a series of online workshops for support workers working in mental health and addiction services. T...
Te Pou is hosting a series of online workshops for support workers working in mental health and addiction services. T...
Join us on 15 December from 11am to 12pm for our 2022 Lived Experience Worker Survey webinar! Gain valuable insights and...
A co-facilitated workshop to better understand diverse ways of thinking and being.
A co-facilitated workshop to better understand diverse ways of thinking and being.
We are hosting an online information session on applying for the Consumer Leadership Development and Training Grants on ...
A one-day forum for Let’s get real champions in Nelson/Marlboro
Substance use, intoxication and withdrawal management is a workshop for workers in more clinical settings.
Substance use, intoxication and withdrawal management is a workshop for workers who have completed Blueprint’s Addict...
Get the tools you need to effectively integrate Let’s get real into your health education or training programme...
Are you a support worker working in the mental health and addiction sector? Te Pou invites you to attend the Māhuri Tōta...
An online hui for Let’s get real champions.
A day dedicated to strengthening and developing leadership in the addiction sector.
Join us in this hui to share your views and experiences with using the Let's get real framework.
Substance use, intoxication and withdrawal management is a workshop for workers who have completed Blueprint’s Addict...
Substance use, intoxication and withdrawal management is a workshop for workers who have completed Blueprint’s Addiction...
Join us for a workshop to share your insights.
Webinar for people wanting to undertake co-design with the lived experience workforce
Substance use, intoxication and withdrawal management is a workshop for workers who have completed Blueprint’s Addict...
Equitable Access To Wellbeing Online Workshop
Substance use, intoxication and withdrawal management is a workshop for workers who have completed Blueprint’s Ad...
Join us in this hui to explore ways to strengthen the Let's get real framework.
Registrations are now open for the 2024 Older Persons' Mental Health and Addiction Leadership Day, to b...
The 5-Step Method is an evidence-based and trauma-informed approach that supports whānau of people with substance mis...
Join us in this hui to explore ways to strengthen the Let's get real framework.
Join us in this hui to explore ways to strengthen the Let's get real framework.
Substance use, intoxication and withdrawal management is a workshop for workers who have completed Blueprint for Learnin...
This webinar will look at how people process sensory input and share practical ways of maintaining good sensory balance....
Join us in this hui to explore ways to strengthen the Let's get real framework.
Join us in this hui to explore ways to strengthen the Let's get real framework.
Are you a support worker working in the mental health and addiction sector? Te Pou invites you to attend the Māhuri Tōta...
Substance use, intoxication and withdrawal management is a workshop for workers who have completed Blueprint for Learnin...
As support workers, you have a unique insight into the lives and needs of the tāngata whai ora and whānau you support. T...
Substance use, intoxication and withdrawal management is a workshop for workers who have completed Blueprint for Learnin...
Te Pou has developed a suite of learning resources which will support you to use sensory modulation.
Substance use, intoxication and withdrawal management is a workshop for workers who have completed Blueprint for Learnin...
Learn about how He arataki ki ngā kaimahi mātau ā-wheako: A guide to the consumer, peer support, and lived experienc...
Please join us as we share Arataki: a Let’s get real approach to leadership.
A day dedicated to strengthening and developing leadership in the addiction sector.
Substance use, intoxication and withdrawal management is a workshop for workers who have completed Blueprint for Learnin...
A lunchtime event for Arataki: a Let’s get real approach to leadership.
Substance use, intoxication and withdrawal management is a workshop for workers who have completed Blueprint for Learnin...
The first of three professional development workshops in our series, Barriers and Pathways to a Good Life: Autism, N...
Substance use, intoxication and withdrawal management is a workshop for workers who have completed Blueprint for Learnin...
The second of three professional development workshops in our series, Barriers and Pathways to a Good Life: Autism, ...
Substance use, intoxication and withdrawal management is a workshop for workers who have completed Blueprint for Learnin...
This course provides an excellent introduction to supervision and the tools and skills needed to enable experienced ment...
Workshops are designed for people who have previous experience and training working in addiction services. For people wi...
Te Pou is providing three virtual training modules for people who want to become HoNOS trainers.
Workshops are designed for people who have previous experience and training working in addiction services. For people wi...
Te Pou is providing virtual training modules for people who want to become HoNOSI trainers.
Increase knowledge, skills, and confidence in knowing how to recognise and respond to intoxication and withdrawal when w...
Training for people new to using Alcohol and Drug Outcome Measure (ADOM) and those who completed initial ADOM training m...
The last of three professional development workshops in our series, Barriers and Pathways to a Good Life: Autism, Ne...
We have two opportunities coming up to know more about the proposed changes to the existing Let’s get real fram...
Addiction Leadership day, hosted by the National Committee for Addiction Treatment (NCAT), in partnership with Te Pou, i...
A meaningful opportunity to engage in wānanga and whanaungatanga, fostering connection and shared learning
A workshop to help with the implementation of the Consumer, peer support and lived experience workforce competencies.
A workshop to help with the implementation of the Consumer, peer support and lived experience workforce competencies.
A workshop to help with the implementation of the Consumer, peer support and lived experience workforce competencies.
A workshop to help with the implementation of the Consumer, peer support and lived experience workforce competencies.
Te Pou is providing three virtual training modules for people who want to become HoNOS family trainers. This is the sess...
A workshop to help with the implementation of the Consumer, peer support and lived experience workforce competencies.
A workshop to help with the implementation of the Consumer, peer support and lived experience workforce competencies.
Substance use, intoxication and withdrawal management workshop will increase knowledge, skills, and confidence in knowin...
Te Pou is providing three virtual training modules for people who want to become HoNOS family trainers. This is the sess...
An in-person five-day training course for people wanting to become an accredited Youth Mental Health First Aid Aotearoa ...
Training for people new to using Alcohol and Drug Outcome Measure (ADOM) and those who completed initial ADOM training m...
This course provides an excellent introduction to supervision and the tools and skills needed to enable experienced ment...
An in-person five-day training course for people wanting to become an accredited Standard Mental Health First Aid Aotear...
Te Pou is providing three virtual training modules for people who want to become HoNOS family trainers. This is the sess...
Substance use, intoxication and withdrawal management workshop will increase knowledge, skills, and confidence in knowin...
Come and explore our new HoNOS family dashboards Aotearoa for HoNOS, HoNOS65+ and HoNOSCA.
Te Pou is providing three virtual training modules for people who want to become HoNOS family trainers. This is the sess...
Te Pou is providing three virtual training modules for people who want to become HoNOS trainers.
Te Pou is providing virtual training modules for people who want to become HoNOSI trainers.
Te Pou has a wide range of evidence-based resources and tools to help the mental health, addiction and disability workforces.
Learn MoreTe Pou works alongside mental health and addiction services, and disability organisations to understand their priorities and workforce challenges.
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