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Joanne Henare

Ngati Wehi Wehi, Ngati Tukorehe, Ngati Raukawa, Tainui, Ngati Mutunga o Whare Kauri me Ngati Urban Māori o Tamaki Makaurau o Mangere

  • Name:

    Joanne Henare

  • Position:

    Ngati Wehi Wehi, Ngati Tukorehe, Ngati Raukawa, Tainui, Ngati Mutunga o Whare Kauri me Ngati Urban Māori o Tamaki Makaurau o Mangere

Ko Hoana Henare ahau.

I am a member of Te Kete Pounamu the National Maori lived experience of mental health and addictions roopu. I am a steadfast supporter of whānau, hapū and iwi as directors of their journey to hauora and mana motuhake. Through whānaungatanga, manaaki and aroha we can ignite the realised and unrealized potential of our collective to flourish and thrive beyond our wildest hopes and dreams.

I work as a Whānau Ora Kaitautoko for Oranga Hinengaro Kaupapa Māori Specialist Mental Health & Addiction Service at Te Pae Hauora o Ruahine o Tararua/Te Whatu Ora. I have worked in mental health and addiction services for over eighteen years.